I'm not sure how I got here. And I definitely don't know how to get out. But I do know that I am here, back in this place, back in this darkness.
My depression from over three years ago is back. And while I can't and won't hide from it, I don't know how to go through it.
People have been asking me, "why?", "what caused it?", and essentially, "why can't you just snap out of it?" And while I usually retort with some variation of "I wish I knew," the truth is that I know all to well the truth. It's just not an easy truth to comprehend or explain.
Depression (real, biological depression) isn't really caused by much of anything. Don't get me wrong, it can be influenced and exacerbated by environmental causes, but it's not caused by them. I could give out a laundry list of the things that exacerbate my depression, but what's the point? Doing that just obscures the truth of the matter: depression is a disease, an illness that is caused by biology, not environment.
Over the past three years, I thought that, if I ever faced a serious case of depression again, I would see it coming and be able to do something to, essentially, "snap out of it." But I was just kidding myself.
So here we go again.
You know, back in March, I wrote a blog post declaring to myself, to the world, and to God that I am, in fact, "All in." I'm here with Him, not letting, not giving up, no matter what happens. I wrote that post and made that decision in anticipation of a horrendous bout of medical uncertainties, tests, and procedures. And I meant it. I even meant it after my Grandfather died. And I even mean it now, though I'm not sure what that means.
I don't know what it means to still know and feel that I love my Jesus and would do anything for him, but at the same time feeling the desire on nearly a daily basis to take the nearest knife and carve another round of scars on my arms, to jump in front of the nearest car or train, or to swallow the nearest bottle of pills. Or maybe some combination of the above.
I once wrote on this blog that I would never fully give in to suicidal feelings again because I know, believe and claim that, while death is gain, I am still called by Christ to stay here, and to live for Him, to live in His place, and to do His work. I still feel those same things. I still desperately want the words, "To live is Christ" and "To die is gain" tattooed as mirror images on the insides of my ankles. So how do I know and believe that same truth when something in the makeup of my brain is telling me to kill myself? Because, as much as I would like to believe it, it's not nearly as simple as just clinging to what I know to be true and somehow finding victory over what the depression is telling me is true. Because it's not like they are two easily separate-able parts of me. They are intertwined and muddled and confused. Because "death is gain." I know that, and I believe that, and I cling to it. And it gives my solace when I contemplate that knife, that train, or those pills. Because I don't fear death. I rejoice in the idea of spending an eternity with the one person who can give me true joy, true purpose, true passion, true love... I want to be with my Jesus.
So where do I go from here?
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